A Muslim Convert Tells of His Journey to Christianity

From the Author:  Today more than ever before thousands of stories are emerging from around the world that Muslims are being awakened to the gospel thru dreams,visions and revelations.

All Muslim converts are subject to persecution and sometimes death thus many of their stories are not always documented. But those who are witnesses to their conversion say that their life-changing experience resulted from dreams, visions, and spirit filled Christian friends.

It is not the dream and vision that changes their life but what the dream does is send them on a spiritual pilgrimage. Usually Muslims report seeing angels or Jesus in their dreams and the heavenly beings often direct them to a specific person who provides a Bible and who can explain the Jesus of the Bible.  Many of them have said to have seen a “blue” Bible in their dream/vision.

A Journey From Islam
The 700 Club


Nabeel grew up in Virginia Beach, VA.  His parents were from Pakistan and devout Muslims.  Nabeel’s dad left his native country in the 70’s and joined the United States Navy, driven to provide a better life for his family.  Nabeel lived a very protected childhood, physically, emotionally, and socially.  His father taught him that Islam was incorruptible and shared his vision for a global Islamic future.  Nabeel’s mother was from a line of Islamic missionaries who played a large part in raising her siblings and teaching them the way of Islam.  She did the same for her own children.  By the time Nabeel was 6, he had read the Qu’ran, learned to pray 5 times a day, and fully embraced a life of Islam.

Growing up, Nabeel shared his beliefs with anyone who would listen.  At school, he was too Pakistani to fit in well with his American friends.  “There was always a barrier,” says Nabeel.  His parents warned him of being too “Americanized,” dressing less conservatively, cursing, drinking and spending too much time with friends.  Because of these cultural differences, Nabeel had no friends and later was also launched into adulthood alone.

During his first year in college, Nabeel was horrified to watch the terrorist attacks on 9/11.  “I had to learn the truth about my faith once and for all,” says Nabeel.  “I had to figure out how to reconcile my Islam, a religion of peace, with the Islam on television, a religion of terror.”  One day Nabeel met David at school but Nabeel had no idea David had been studying the Bible for the last 5 years.  When Nabeel saw David reading his Bible, he started asking him questions.  This led to a 3-year conversation that got Nabeel thinking.  “Everything I had learned about Islam was based on tradition,” says Nabeel.  “What hit me the most at the time was that perhaps everything I believed was a lie.”      More>

Visit Nabeel’s website:  http://www.nabeelqureshi.com/


From http://www.charismamag.com/

Iran: At the time of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 there were only about 500 known Muslim converts in the country, according to missions almanac Operation World. By 2000, there were a reported 220,000 believers, including Muslim converts. Even children of government ministers and mullahs have been converting to Christ, missions agency Open Doors reports.

Iraq: It’s estimated that before 2003 there were only about 600 known born-again followers of Jesus Christ in the country. By the end of 2008, Iraqi Christian leaders believed the number had risen to more than 70,000. Meanwhile, millions of Arabic New Testaments and Christian books have been shipped into Iraq since the ouster of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Egypt: Revival is reportedly widespread among nominal Christians within the nation’s historic Coptic Church, whose members number about 10 million. Yet Coptics are under severe attack, according to Voice of the Martyrs. Also, the USCIRF’s list of “Countries of Particular Concern” now includes Egypt, where since January 400 Christians have been murdered, hundreds more injured and multiple churches burned.  



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