Are Ministers, Preachers, and Churches helping to hide the Antichrist? Can We change the World with the Elections November 8, 2016?

The Lady in Purple and Scarlet in Revelation is the Beast of the Sea, the Antichrist directed by Satan himself ! The Reformation movement in the 14th to 18th Century was against the only allowed “Church” who stifled education, science, cultures, art, and music; who even went after their own beginning strongly after the Counsel […]

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The Grand Finale Shemitah, Blessings and Judgments –The 7th Millennium from Creation, the Day of the Lord – His Return put in place from the Beginning

The Grand Finale Shemitah, Blessings and Judgments  – The 7th Millennium from Creation, the Day of the Lord – His Return put in place from the Beginning. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn calls the Shemitah the 3,000 year Mystery saying it can be a day of the week, the Sabbath, or the 7th year, the Sabbath year. […]

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Martin Luther’s 95 Theses begin the Protestant Reformation in 1517 by condemning the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.

Martin Luther, A Man Who Changed The World On October 31,1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. In his theses, Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of […]

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The Global Protestant Reformation – John Wycliffe in England, Martin Luther in Germany, John Calvin in France, John Knox in Scotland, Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland, and countless others …

The Protestant Reformation  As we have already seen, the major Protestant Reformers had one primary passion: To inspire sinners to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 16:31) and obey God’s Word above the traditions of men (see Mark 7:13). But as they tried to lead their English and European countrymen to the Bible alone, […]

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